Thursday, April 24, 2008

Uroplatus (Flat or Leaf-tailed gecko)

In addition to cats and goats, I have a certain fondness for lizards. (I have often thought that they behave a whole lot like cats.) Check out this little bastard, a uroplatus fimbriatus (giant leaf-tailed gecko), taken from from a BBC news article on wildlife hotspots:

According to Wikipedia, all of the species of the Uroplatus genus are found in primary and secondary forests on the island of Madagascar, and some on islands off Madagascar, such as Nosy Be. They are endemic to Madagascar, and found nowhere else on earth.


Another country to add to the list (including the island of Nosy Be). Given that its first human settlers came from this part of the world, it would almost be like visiting the house of a long (loooong) lost great great great (greeeaaat) grand uncle.

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