Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sucked in?

It all started when I looked back fondly on my teenage years and realised that although music played a definitive role in my life back then, it had been reduced to a bit part a decade later. So began the raids on the virtual and old-school music stores for the beats from which I was wrought, and the creeping desire to have in my possession an mp3 player. With my purchase of an electric toothbrush, partly to motivate myself to look good for the office, I had hoped that voices urging me to be au courant would be silenced. And so it was - for approximately 24 hours. Now with my next holiday just round the corner, I find myself contemplating the purchase of a digital camera. For years I have avoided these very trappings of a generation brought up on instant gratification and a burning hunger for excess. I have defended my abstinence (to myself more than anybody else) by reasoning that there really is no need for these things, that such possessions create the demand for themselves. Sigh.

I've kicked the cosmetics habit only to grow an electronics one. Bleurgh. Damn you internet, it's all your fault!

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