Sunday, January 04, 2009

Excess baggage.

Did you know that one Starbucks cinnamon roll has 620 calories? Even if we assume that's for an American-sized roll, an Asian counterpart at half the size would still pack a whopping 310 calories. That's not much more than its "low fat" blueberry muffin, which has 302 calories. And a double tall non-fat no-whip mocha still has more calories (174) than a double tall non-fat caramel macchiato (ok, that's probably because a macchiato has less milk).

On average, I've packed away 500 Starbucks calories every working morning. Which by itself isn't too bad since that's still less than a third of my daily calorie needs. Except that in the past couple of years - 2008 in particular - I've been chasing breakfast with meals saturated with grease, sodium and preservatives. Not taking into account sporadic beer binges, I've consumed an average of about 2,500 calories per day in the past three years. That's 156% of what I actually need. I feel... congested. Not yet corpulent, but rather more cellulite-y that I should be. Chemical-y.

I am a walking toxic dump.

So, in line with New Year's Resolution #2, I'm going to eat healthier and consume less calories this year. Bikini-fabulous and, erm, bounding up mountains like a light-weight goat. And I have a sackful of grapefruit to prove it.


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