Monday, January 12, 2009

Cold Foobs.

I never made the link before, but since I got my foobs I've been feeling cold more frequently than usual. My chest in particular is really sensitive to any drop in the temperature and is the first part of my body to start shivering (do limbs shiver?). Pending the circumstances, my first reaction is to hug my foobs. And only this evening did I start to wonder if cold boobs were normal (having never really had proper real boobs I couldn't really tell).

So I looked it up on the net and whaddya know, I'm not the only one who gets cold foobs! There're quite a number of women out there who've noted that their implants are generally either distinctly colder or warmer than the rest of their bodies. Apparently it's because silicone conducts heat (and loses heat) slower than human tissue (which temperature is naturally regulated anyway by blood).

Something new every day!


1 comment:

sternstadt said...

HAHAHAHA i have this image of you hugging your FOOBS

guess that means you'll really have to bundle up in wintertime (not that this is a pressing problem here in the pore)